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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Sabeen Sara Prata And Briyani Stall

The usual stall that we have always patronised was not open on the day and thus we were given a good reason to try out the other popular stall in Telok Blangah Food Center. We remembered many of the diners enjoying their plate of Briyani from one of the Muslim stalls and guess it's our time to try it out now.

Stall of Sabeen Sara Prata & Briyani 

At one glance at the stall signboard, they are offering biryani and roti prata only. For Briyani, there is a choice of chicken or Mutton.

Our Orders

Who needs a good presentation of the food when it tasted good? For both Chicken & Mutton Briyani, do expect the eye-pleasing serving that has a delicious drum or meat topping up the plate of Basmati Rice, papadum and colourful pickles to entice you. Instead, I would say what they prepared was a bare minimum, cut cucumbers, meat and rice with a plate of curry.

Plate of Food

The first mouthful of the rice had landed me an understanding of why people are patronising them. No doubt that the food was simple and straightforward, I must say that their rice is very fluffy and non-greasy at all. There is no gamey taste from the mutton. The meat was tender and the meat literally fell off the bone with the slightest effort. I drenched my plate of Briyani with the curry gravy given and had enjoyed every grain of it.

Mutton Briyani - $6.50

The chicken Briyani too, was tender and delicious with meat falling apart easily. Curry was thick and satisfying.

Chicken Briyani - $6

Overall, food is of the right amount of spice and not overpowering in any aspect of taste. I will be back again!

Rating: 3.25 / 5

Sabeen Sara Prata And Briyani Stall
Telok Blangah Food Centre, 79 Telok Blangah Dr, 100079

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